Saturday, November 28, 2015

Further Down the Rabbit Hole (Playing the ‘Pataphysical Machine, Part III)

“But what I like to say in lieu of an answer, is that card readers are good at participating in the creation of ‘fictional truth’.” Camelia Elias

“We can see how, as a pataphysical machine, the Marseilles tarot can help us reach those two degrees of separation with reality that pataphysics prescribes, but a warning is in order: we may end up eating the bread crumbs trail we left behind to orient ourselves, never finding our way back home.” Enrique Enriquez

In two recent offerings (One, Two), I explore Enrique Enriquez’ characterization of the Tarot of Marseilles as a “’Pataphysical Machine”, a refinement of Jodorowsky’s “Metaphysical Machine” depiction.

Instead of further engaging the Marseilles as a participant without conceptual input into the design of these rather odd pata-experimental operations and maneuvers, I thought that it may be a good idea to get some opinions from the deck herself prior to continuing with Part III, hence the following exchange…

Marseilles, what can you expose about the relationship between ‘Pataphysics and the Tarot that we may not be aware of?

Answer 1

 So, what are Temperence and The Charioteer looking at?

Answer 2

 And what is the Popesse looking at?

Answer 3

Oh, I see. So what do you make of Alfred Jarry’s statement “the virtual or imaginary nature of things as glimpsed by the heightened vision of poetry or science or love can be seized and lived as real”?

Answer 4

 So, what is the Popesse looking at now?

Answer 5

 And what is in Death’s gaze?

Answer 6

Yes, always the ecstatic alchemist, Jarry indeed danced too close to the edge...perhaps. What's your hypothesis regarding a (fictive) solution to our conundrum?

Answer 7

Ah...a riddle within the riddle, do you have anything else to tell us?

Answer 8

 And the Pope’s gaze?

Answer 9

Thank you Marseilles...we shall carry on with our investigations. Hopefully, we will do Jarry justice.

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