Saturday, January 24, 2015

Activities of the LIP Secretary of Manifestations

Artists, Magnus Irvin and Michael Ritzema, run a company called Edible Anus. For fifteen years they’ve been producing chocolates made from a mould created by an actual human anus! And now they’ve taken things a step further, offering personal anus castings to anyone who’d like to see their poop chute turned into an ornament made of a more permanent material, like glass or bronze. Alternative model and magazine cover girl, Rayna Terror, Is used to being placed in somewhat compromising positions by her work but an anus casting is right up there with the most unusual of experiences. Perhaps not quite reaching her limits but definitely getting near the edge (or should we say, the rim). Visit for all your bespoke anus casting needs.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Equation (A Koan)

Equation (A Koan)

= (what does “real” mean?) = (pataphysical maneuvers) = (radical ontological play) = (extreme alternate reality games) = (theater of infinite impossibility) = (a simultaneous cracking of the cosmic egg and the cosmic joke) = (haha) = (who or what is asking?) = (‘Pataphysical realization) = (swimming in ethernity) =

+ (Google Translate English to French) =

= (Ce qui ne «réel» signifie?) = (Manœuvres pataphysiques) = (lecture radicale ontologique) = (jeux de réalité alternée extrêmes) = (théâtre d'impossibilité infini) = (un craquement simultanée de l'œuf cosmique et la blague cosmique) = (haha) = (qui ou quoi est demandent?) = («réalisation pataphysique) = (nager dans Ethernity) =

+ (Google Translate French to Japanese) =

="本当の"何を意味するのか?)=(マニューバのpataphysical==(ラジカル存在論読み)(レンジ代替現実ゲーム)=(劇場の無限不可能)=(同時は宇宙の卵を割れ宇宙のジョーク)=(笑)=(または何をだろうか?)= "実現pataphysics=()Ethernityで泳い=

+ (Google Translate Japanese to Arabic) =

= ("ريال مدريد" وماذا يعني ذلك؟) = (مناورة من pataphysical) == (اقرأ جودي جذري) (مجموعة بديلة عبة الواقع) = (مسرح بلا حدود المستحيل) = (في وقت واحد تكسير البيض الكون نكتة من الكون) = (يضحك) = (أو ما من شأنه لذلك؟) = (لتسبح في "pataphysics التنفيذ) = () = Ethernity

+ (Google Translate Arabic to English) =

= ("Real" and what does that mean?) = (Maneuver pataphysical) == (Read Judy radical) (alternative set game actually) = (Theater Without impossible limits) = (at one time white universe cracking a joke of the universe) = (laughs) = (or what would it?) = (to swim in "pataphysics implementation) = () = Ethernity

+ (Google Translate anglais vers le français) =

= ("Real" et ce que cela signifie?) = (Maneuver pataphysique) == (Lire radicale Judy) (ensemble alternatif jeu en fait) = (Théâtre Sans limites impossibles) = (à l'univers blanc une fois fissuration une blague de l'univers ) = (rires) = (ou quel serait-il?) = (nager dans "la mise en œuvre de la pataphysique) = () = Ethernity

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Play/Search - A Quest

This Alternate Reality Game/Quest is offered as an amusing challenge to all (science/art) players of good will...a new game is afoot...let's see where it leads...

A Quest…(a treasure hunt)... Find the best source(s) of funding for an initial play/search project entitled...
(Please read the link material and watch the videos before embarking on the quest.)

Here are a few clues…
…in the form of questions, observations, quotes, links to websites, articles and videos. It is important to read the articles and watch the videos all the way through.

What could “play/search” refer to? Several things? Do we have a fork in the road here?

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it."
Yogi Berra

An opinion: Most scientific research, even “basic” research, conducted inside of established universities and other types of conventional academic institutions and funded by either the government or various grant awarding foundations is severely limited by self imposed constraints on the types of questions allowed to be asked and the standardized methods used to acquire evidence.

As Joseph Chilton Pearce said, “Science should be a key unlocking phenomena, instead of a lock shutting out any phenomena not fitting its keys of preconception”.

On the opening page of Part II of Supernormal Dean Radin quotes William James
“There is no source of deception in the investigation of nature which can compare with a fixed belief that certain kinds of phenomena are impossible.”

Also from Joseph Chilton Pearce
“(William Blake said that) Ordinary seeing is mechanical and dead; vision is seeing that the universe is the material for creation, not the fixed deadness of matter. Blake lost his argument, to say the least. Indeed there was no contest. We are now living in the pandemonium he foresaw should Newton, Locke, and company win the day, as they surely did. The “Enlightenment” proved no boon to man – just one more frying pan to switch into – and it may prove the final fire.”

Check out… CHM Revolutionaries: Reality is Broken- Jane McGonigal with NPR's Laura Sydell at this link…

“Science is truth with her wings clipped”.
Austin O’Malley, Keystones of Thought

Check out… Games for Change: Solving the World's Biggest Problems Through Alternate Realities: Jane McGonigal…here…

Institute For The Future:

“Scientific theory is a contrived foothold in the chaos of living phenomena.”
Wilhelm Reich


Extreme Learners Overview:

What are TechShops ( ), MakerSpaces ( ), and Learning Shelters ( )?

An Infinite Game of Global Unity:

What would scientific play/search instead of scientific research look like?

“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’ (I found it!) but ‘That’s funny!’” 
Isaac Asimov

Cinemorphics methodology, overall approach and “atmosphere”…a key clue in the play/search quest?

Is Science (with a capital "S"), one of humankind's stories, a mythological undertaking worthy of a noble quest...(and...a construct subject to a re-write)?

What if Baobah Novas Formas de Inteligência turned "essential" experimental protocols upside down?

Consider radical quantum theater projects as play/search?

Baobah Novas Formas de Inteligência - Cia Lápis de Seda -

Check out…

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious – the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” 
Albert Einstein

Quantum Aesthetics:

What part does this concept play in the quest?
"Trans-intelligence: New Approaches to Aptitude Formation"

Propose definitions for "play/search" and "trans-intelligence".

Draw a detailed treasure map showing how to get to the funding source(s) and complete the quest(s)...please indicate all emerging forks... 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


The name Cinemorphics refers to the process and art of changing, transforming, transmuting the construct known as the ego, persona, self, etc....(what someone thinks of when asked to describe himself or's idea of oneself)...from one form into another, by making use of the methods and techniques of acting and movie/theater production. Bodily changes may also be addressed or result from this change in the construct, and emotional as well as physical health may be improved.

"You" are a bodymind, not a body with a mind or vice versa. Things that influence either, influence both…powerfully.

"You" are a verb, not a noun. "You" are fluid, constantly changing…at every level. The static "you" is a persistent illusion.

"You"… "Your self", persona, ego…”who you are”…however named, is a construct that is formed by the interaction of genetics, imprinting, conditioning and learning. "You" have little input into this process until after "you" have been thoroughly shaped by "your" parents, peers, culture.

Now consider that this "you" that "you" now seem to be is, actually, very much like a fictitious character that may appear in a novel, play or movie and may be re-written, re-produced and re-performed, using the techniques of those media…

For more Cinemorphics please click HERE .

Thursday, January 1, 2015


'Patamorphics can refer to many things...see THIS...and THIS... Additionally, an exploration of its relevance to alchemy, cooking, metallurgy, chaos magick, miracles, etc. could be enlightening. In a future post I will explore the relationship between 'Patamorphics, 'Patamorphic fields, 'Patamorphic Resonance, etc. and Rupert Sheldrake's theory of Morphic Resonance. We will discuss, for example, 'Patamorphic fields of anomaly, syzygy and clinamen, with examples. Additionally, here's a short video which could be termed "patamorphic"...